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Sugandha D. Tuladhar works with electric utilities, oil and gas companies, and other industrial sector clients to help them better understand the economic impacts of energy and environmental regulations and policies. He designs and develops sophisticated numerical methods and models—particularly energy economy models—to help clients understand the effects of complex regulations and policies. The analytical outputs from his models have been used by clients for their internal business strategy work, testimonies, regulatory hearings, and to support policy advocacy work. In addition, Dr. Tuladhar's analytical work has been used by colleagues in US congressional hearings and published peer-reviewed journals.


Dr. Tuladhar's analysis has been used by the governments to inform policymakers and craft energy policies. He has worked closely with both government and NGO clients on economic benefit analysis of oil and gas exports (including crude oil and LNG). He has also developed proprietary energy economy models to simulate complex economic systems and energy markets to quantify consequences on the economy and energy markets.

Dr. Tuladhar has guided clients in the solar industry, developing a global solar value chain model to quantify the adverse impacts of Section 201 import relief proposals on a client's product market. He also helps clients understand the economics of the deployment of electric vehicles and the effects of electric vehicle subsidies. Dr. Tuladhar has advised electric utility clients on decarbonization policy in the electric and transportation sectors.


  • PhD in economics, The University of Texas at Austin
  • MSc in operations research and industrial engineering, The University of Texas at Austin