Hiroaki Ishigaki specializes in antitrust, intellectual property, transfer pricing, securities and finance, commercial litigation, and energy. His areas of expertise include microeconomics, game theory, industrial organization, and applied econometrics.
In his antitrust practice, Dr. Ishigaki has analyzed the competitive impacts of many merger cases in a wide range of industries, including mining, beverages, paper products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, metals, petroleum, computer products, semiconductor devices, machinery, automobiles, wholesale, retail, securities exchanges, and auction. He has addressed liability and damages issues involving bid rigging, cartels, predatory pricing, monopolization, abuse of superior bargaining position, and other antitrust violations in various industries. He has frequently presented his analyses to competition agencies and courts. He is included in the Competition Antitrust Experts by the Expert Guides and has been included in the “Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers and Economists” by Global Competition Review.
Dr. Ishigaki also performs economic assessments in intellectual property, transfer pricing, securities and finance, commercial litigation, and energy matters. He has evaluated damages in various patent disputes, and reasonable compensation in employee invention disputes. He also has experience in helping license agreement of intellectual property rights. He has analyzed the price premium resulting from industry protection policies, marketing, and R&D intangibles in transfer pricing disputes; the liability claim and damages in securities litigations; and performed risk analysis in relation to foreign direct investments in power plants.
Prior to joining NERA, Dr. Ishigaki served as an economist in the Mergers and Acquisitions Division of the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), where he advised on and conducted economic analyses of many merger cases in a wide range of industries. His work at the JFTC included the revision of the Commission’s Merger Guidelines in 2004 and the Competition Policy Research Center’s studies on various antitrust issues. Before working for the JFTC, Dr. Ishigaki was an Associate Professor of Economics at Ritsumeikan University and an Assistant Professor of Economics at Aomori Public College, where he taught courses in microeconomics, industrial organization, and statistics, among others.
Dr. Ishigaki frequently speaks and lectures on antitrust and competition policy, intellectual property, securities litigation, and damages analyses. He has published articles in various journals, including Economics Letters, Metroeconomica, Jurist (in Japanese), NBL (in Japanese), Kosei Torihiki (in Japanese), Kokusai Shoji Houmu (in Japanese), Bijinesu Houmu (in Japanese), Kagaku Keizai (in Japanese), Shukan Kinyu Zaimu Jijyo (in Japanese), and Kokusai Zeimu (in Japanese).
談合・カルテルに関しては、当局審査対応の場面において、罰金の対象となる取引の範囲(Volume of Commerce)、合意の有無や効果に関わる定量分析を提供している。事後的な民事訴訟や和解交渉の場面では、談合・カルテルの効果に関わるオーバーチャージの推定、損害賠償額の算定、相手側評価意見書の検証を行っている。また、罰金や損害額の支払いが困難(Inability to Pay)であることを当局や相手側に示す分析の提供も行っている。近年においては、自動車部品、電子部品、海上運搬カルテル等の事案に関わり実績を有している。
独禁法、知財、金融・証券等に関わる様々な商事紛争の経済分析や産業組織論に関わる講演や論文・記事多数。執筆した論文・記事は、例えば、旬刊商事法務、ジュリスト、NBL、公正取引、国際商事法務、ビジネス法務、金融法務事情、旬刊経理情報、M&A専門誌マール、マールオンライン、Business Lawyers、日経ビジネスオンライン、週刊金融財政事情、化学経済、国際税務、Economics Letters、Metroeconomicaに掲載されている。