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Richard Eichmann is a trusted testifying damages expert with over 25 years of experience. He applies economic expertise to intellectual property, antitrust, and finance disputes across a variety of industries including the automotive, airline, credit card, financial, energy, gaming, pharmaceutical, and technology sectors. An in-demand testifying expert in litigation and arbitration, Mr. Eichmann has a successful track record of never having had an opinion excluded in federal court.


Mr. Eichmann has been retained for issues including product defect and other class actions, patent infringement, trade secret misappropriation, and general commercial litigation matters. He has particular expertise in damages modeling, business valuation, econometrics, statistics, sampling, survey research methods, and conjoint analysis. He excels at drawing meaningful conclusions from large, complex, and disparate datasets. 
Mr. Eichmann has filed expert reports in federal and state courts and testified during arbitrations. His testimonies include analyses utilizing the application of statistical methods, sampling, survey design, business valuation, and econometrics as they pertain to the calculation of damages and lost profits.

Prior to joining NERA, Mr. Eichmann was a Managing Director in the dispute advisory practice of an international consulting firm. He also provided economic analysis and dispute advisory services at a private litigation consulting firm and two Big 4 accounting firms. In addition, Mr. Eichmann worked as an analyst in the automotive industry utilizing proprietary survey research data for time series analysis and as a research assistant for the Survey Research Center at the Institute for Social Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on panel study surveys.


  • MA in economics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • BA in economics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • BA in philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor



  • Spanish


  •      Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), National Association for Certified Analysts and Valuators
  •      Master Analysis in Financial Forensics in Commercial Litigation (MAFF), National Association for Certified Analysts and Valuators