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George Batta is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance at Claremont McKenna College (CMC). He conducts applied research on earnings management, credit markets, corporate credit agreements, and analyst research.


Dr. Batta has worked on a wide range of consulting projects, including those involving 10b-5 damages estimation, lost operating profits estimation, reconstruction of manipulated financial statements, mutual fund fee reasonableness, and market reaction to equity analyst output. He has published numerous empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. In addition, he teaches courses in financial analysis, financial accounting, and accounting data analytics and regularly serves as a reviewer for accounting and finance academic journals. Dr. Batta also served as a faculty advisor for several fintech and data science practica.

Dr. Batta previously taught at the University of Southern California’s Leventhal School of Accounting and was a securities and finance consultant with NERA Economic Consulting’s in New York City. He also worked as a financial auditor with Ernst & Young. From 2016 to 2020, he served as Associate Director of CMC’s Financial Economics Institute.



  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Harvard University
  • AB in political economy of industrial societies, University of California, Berkeley