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Kristopher A. Boushie has more than 35 years of experience in financial and litigation consulting, with an emphasis on forensic valuation issues. He has worked with clients and counsel on hundreds of matters involving patent, trade secret, and Lanham Act damage assessments; strategic IP analyses; IP licensing negotiations; and patent royalty auditing. Mr. Boushie has testified in arbitration hearings, state courts, US district courts, and before the European Commission.


Mr. Boushie is frequently retained to conduct analysis and quantification of damages in the areas of intellectual property infringement or misappropriation, contract disputes, distributorship terminations, antitrust, and tort claims. He also works with clients on financial and cost accounting-related issues in areas such as Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act data compensation; cost assignment and allocation; supply chain issues; ability/inability-to-pay-related issues; and other forensic accounting issues. His expertise spans a variety of industries including traditional pharmaceuticals and biopharma; medical products and equipment; technology, including telecom, hardware, software, and transport; consumer products; government contracting; and military defense systems.

Mr. Boushie previously led the IP practice of a financial and economic consulting firm, where he worked with clients and counsel at a major affiliated international law firm on several hundred IP-related matters. He has considerable experience assisting with fact and expert discovery including working with client personnel, identifying potential fact witnesses, assisting counsel preparing for and taking depositions, identifying and working with testifying experts, and assisting counsel with damages-related motions. This background is unique among damages experts and leads to a similarly unique level of understanding and expertise.

Mr. Boushie is editor and contributing author for the handbook Calculating and Proving Damages. He also regularly contributes to the journal Financial Valuation and Litigation Expert and serves on its panel of experts. Mr. Boushie has prepared and presented several CLE and CPLE seminars on various topics related to estimating damages and valuation issues and has been a forensic accounting instructor for several years at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

Mr. Boushie is a member of several professional organizations including the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants (where he is former Chairman of the Litigation Services Committee), the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (where he is former Chair of the Executive Advisory Board, past President of the Vermont state chapter, former member of the Valuation Credentialing Board, former member of the Chapter Foundation Committee, a 2011–2012 and 2013–2014 State Chapter Committee honoree, and a 2009 recipient of the State Chapter President’s Leadership Award), and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Mr. Boushie is also a member of the Licensing Executives Society, a member of the Intellectual Property Owners Association (where he is member of the Trade Secrets Committee), an affiliate member of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (member of the Trade Secret Committee), and an associate member of the American Bar Association (Intellectual Property Law subsection).



  • MAcc, George Washington University
  • BS, Allegheny College


  • Certified Public Accountant/Accredited in Business Valuation/Certified in Financial Forensics
  • Certified Valuation Analyst
  • Certified Fraud Examiner