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Alan Cox has expertise in intellectual propert, antitrust, and securities matters. He has extensive experience testifying in federal court, state court, US and international arbitrations, and before utility commissions. In arbitrations he has appeared before the NASD, the American Arbitration Association, and the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. In graduate school he specialized in industrial organization, antitrust, regulation, and natural resource economics, including energy. His previous positions include Visiting Economist at MIT's Energy Laboratory.


In intellectual property matters, Dr. Cox has testified on a wide variety of patent issues in the semiconductor, biotechnology, telecommunications, consumer product, and other industries. He has also testified on trademark, copyright, and trade secret matters. For example, he testified in Delaware District Court in a matter involving alleged theft of trade secrets and false advertising in the manufacture and sale of golf balls. He was retained by Texas Instruments in a New Jersey patent case, which resulted in a jury award of $112 million to Texas Instruments. He has also testified in matters related to standards and patent pools.

Antitrust issues on which Dr. Cox has testified include allegations of price fixing of semiconductors and professional services, price manipulation in natural gas markets, attempts to monopolize in the credit card and other industries, Robinson-Patman matters, the competitiveness of crude oil and product pipeline services, allegations of anti-competitive licensing, and the competitive consequences of a major electric utility merger. He has examined and provided economic advice on a wide array of competition issues including vertical restraints in gasoline retailing, allegations of crude oil price fixing, the competitive consequences of mergers in several industries, and the economic costs of restraints imposed on a "dominant" telecommunications carrier. He has been included in the "Who's Who of Competition Lawyers and Economists" by the Global Competition Review.

In Securities matters, Dr. Cox has testified in class action fraud cases, including on materiality, causation, and damages in Section 10 and 11 matters. His testimony has also included the valuation of restricted stocks, options, bonds, preferred shares in venture-capital backed firms, goodwill, and the appropriate valuation of physical assets. Dr. Cox has also testified on unjust enrichment from alleged insider trading, and has calculated harm due to alleged inappropriate investments, backdating, breach of contract, and banking practices.

Industry Experience:

Electronics and Mobile Technology
Information Technology
Medical Devices and Technology
Mobile Technologies and Equipment
Pharmaceutical Products
Professional and Consumer Services


  • PhD in economic analysis and policy, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
  • MA in economics, University of British Columbia
  • BSc in environmental science, York University, Toronto