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Benjamin Chee is a climate and sustainability expert and has consulted extensively on market incentives, commercial arrangements, procurement options, contracting mechanisms, integration and interconnection issues, renewable portfolio standards, state certification requirements, and attribute tracking systems. He has worked on international assignments related to climate change mitigation and decarbonization as well as fossil fuel and coal retirements in the energy transition.


Mr. Chee advises clients on the design of electricity and environmental markets and has specific expertise in introducing competitive mechanisms, including auctions and trading systems, in the context of the embedded market structure to the benefit of ratepayers. Mr. Chee has a long history working with utilities, regulatory commissions, governments, multilateral banks, and state power agencies in managing and overseeing competitive processes for independent power projects (IPPs) and independent water and power producers projects (IWPPs), water resources, electricity, capacity, demand response, nuclear and renewable energy as well as auctions to reduce methane and other greenhouse gas emissions in the carbon credits and offsets markets. He has extensive experience assisting clients on renewable energy projects, including community renewables, distributed generation, utility-scale solar, off-shore and on-shore wind, and is familiar with issues surrounding technologies such hydrogen and storage projects.

Mr. Chee is an expert on power contracts and has worked with many standard power contracts in the industry, including the EEI Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement, the ISDA Master Agreement, the EFET General Agreement, and the ABA-EMA-ACORE Master REC Purchase and Sale Agreement. Mr. Chee has also worked with contracts developed for non-standard transactions and has expert knowledge in areas critical to stable and low-cost supply arrangements for customers, including knowledge of wholesale power markets and RTOs.

Mr. Chee has supported clients in commercial litigation and antitrust matters across several industries, including petroleum, precious metals, synthetic fibers, industrial gases, payroll services, and healthcare. Prior to joining NERA, Mr. Chee was Vice President of Finance at Inswers, an education-publishing company with offices in Singapore and Los Angeles.


  • MA in economics, Dean of Research Award Recipient, University of Southern California
  • BA in economics, magna cum laude, University of Southern California