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Kevin Counsell is an expert in applying economic analysis in high-stakes decision-making involving urban, environmental, competition, and regulatory economics, and the calculation of litigation damages. For over two decades and across hundreds of projects, he has provided expert evidence, testimony, and reports distilling complex economic principles into concise, compelling, and robust analysis. Mr. Counsell has served as an expert witness before the New Zealand Environment Court and independent hearings panels and filed expert reports with regulators, government agencies, councils, and competition authorities across a wide range of geographies, including New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Asia.


Mr. Counsell is highly sought after for his expertise in urban development, resource management, and environmental policy issues. His insights and analysis have proved instrumental in assisting clients with residential, commercial, and industrial developments, including for private plan changes, resource consents, and fast-track consenting. His broader experience includes economic analysis for transport infrastructure, agriculture, marine reserves, mining, aquaculture, and the water and wastewater sectors. Mr. Counsell was recently appointed to the Housing Expert Advisory Group in New Zealand, an expert group providing advice to government officials on policy design for housing. 

Mr. Counsell has extensive experience in competition, regulation, and damages. He advises clients on mergers and acquisitions, market studies, and other antitrust matters. He has provided economic advice to utility companies and regulators on the design and operation of regulated pricing frameworks across a host of industries, including telecommunications, post, electricity, gas, water, and airports. Mr. Counsell has also quantified damages in claims related to product misrepresentation, overcharging, unlawful entry, negligence, and indigenous land takings.

Mr. Counsell has published numerous white papers and peer-reviewed journal articles and is a regular conference speaker and panelist.


  • MCA in economics, with Distinction; Victoria University of Wellington
  • BCA in economics, with Honours (First Class), Victoria University of Wellington
  • BSc in mathematics, Victoria University of Wellington