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Richard Druce is an expert in the energy and utility sectors. He provides compelling economic analysis to support clients’ engagements in regulatory proceedings and disputes. He also helps sector regulators design and implement new policies and regulations and investors gain insights into opportunities and risks from transactions.


Much of Mr. Druce’s work involves advice during electricity, gas, and water price control reviews on topics including incentive design, cost-benefit analysis, valuation and willingness-to-pay studies, cost assessment and benchmarking, and regulatory finance issues.

Mr. Druce also designs and analyzes reforms to market design and network charging arrangements in infrastructure industries. He advises clients on policies supporting renewable energy integration, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and encouraging distributed energy resources and “smart grid” technologies.

In the oil and gas industry, Mr. Druce provides expert evidence in pricing disputes. He also analyzes the effects of low carbon investments and decarbonisation policies, including emissions trading schemes. He has worked across the value chain, including upstream production, mid-stream transportation and processing, and downstream.

Mr. Druce has served as an expert in proceedings before the English High Court, the UK Competition Appeals Tribunal, the UK Competition and Markets Authority, the Hague Court of Appeal, and the Alberta Utilities Commission. His work spans a range of geographies including the UK and Ireland, Continental Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Canada, and Asia.


  • MPhil in economics, St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge
  • BSc in economics and econometrics, University of Bristol