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Alan Grant's background spans the fields of antitrust and financial economics. He has years of experience providing expert analysis to clients across a wide array of industries in antitrust and class action litigation, merger analysis, and securities litigation.


As an antitrust economist, Dr. Grant has consulted on issues in commercial and antitrust damages cases, antitrust class actions, and breach of contract disputes. Dr. Grant also has experience analyzing the competitive effects of mergers. He has worked across a number of industries, including renewable energy, natural resources, software and IT services, medical devices, and retail.

Dr. Grant's work in securities includes valuations involving hedge funds, private equity funds, healthcare assets, and real estate. He has experience analyzing derivatives and structured products in many contexts, including the valuation of a large portfolio of derivatives against a failed counterparty and the valuation of interest rate derivatives.

Dr. Grant has worked on a number of securities litigation projects, including those related to insider trading, hedge funds, equity trading activity, royalty disputes, and compensation disputes.

Dr. Grant has significant experience estimating damages in a wide variety of matters, including damages to shareholders from alleged government misconduct, damages to an insurance company  relating to alleged underwriting errors, and damages to a company from an alleged employee breach of contract.

Dr. Grant received his PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his BS, with highest honors, in economics and mathematics from the University of Michigan. He has spoken on economic analysis in the merger review process, insider trading, analysis of hedge fund data, and two-sided markets.


  • PhD in economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • BS (with Highest Honors) in economics and mathematics, University of Michigan