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Jonathan Falk has worked on a variety of issues involving the modeling of investment and industry structure. He has advised on the structure of market rules in both capacity and energy markets for various entities and has testified on those issues before numerous regulatory bodies. He has testified on the measurement, pricing, and environmental effects of demand response. He has been involved in the creation of novel insurance products to transfer price risk in electric markets. He has studied market power questions in emerging electricity markets and has estimated the social benefits of real-time pricing options for electricity, as well as questions of valuation and the financial risks associated with restructured electric markets. He has also advised on the structure of market rules and has created a number of models to value flexibility in utility planning. 


In NERA’s communications and internet capability, Mr. Falk has participated in studies on residential access demand to the telephone system, choice of service among telephone company offerings, optimal pricing structures, and estimation of the marginal costs of telephone service. In environmental economics, Mr. Falk has estimated benefits in recreational activity and increased property values resulting from tighter discharge standards for paper mills and for nuclear power plants.

Mr. Falk has also worked on several cases involving credit discrimination in automobile and housing markets. He has performed statistical analyses to predict credit decisions. Finally, in matters of labor and employment, Mr. Falk has testified both on statistical estimations of liability in termination and promotion processes and in calculations of lost earnings in both wrongful termination and wrongful death cases. He has also testified in several cases on contract damages and has extensive experience in the estimation of damages arising from contract disputes.


  • PhD examination requirements completed, Yale University
  • MA and BA in economics, Yale University