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Healey Whitsett is an expert in survey research and methodology, statistical sampling, and custom data analysis. Her survey work includes survey design, questionnaire construction, oversight of data collection, data analysis, and reviewing and critiquing surveys. Ms. Whitsett assists clients with a wide range of consulting projects and litigation, including through expert reports and testimony.


In her survey research work, Ms. Whitsett has worked extensively on matters involving intellectual property disputes including trademark, trade dress, and false advertising cases. Her trademark-related work includes designing and conducting studies to measure or establish likelihood of confusion, secondary meaning, genericness, and dilution. She is also experienced with choice-based studies designed to value patented product features.

Ms. Whitsett has also worked on mass torts and antitrust matters, including conducting surveys to measure characteristics of a proposed class and evaluate market share for a service. Across her survey work, she is experienced in collecting data by telephone, internet, and via in-person intercept studies of both general population audiences and specialized, difficult-to-reach individuals. Her expertise also extends to evaluating or critiquing surveys and other market research, including qualitative research such as focus groups.  

Ms. Whitsett has worked extensively with large, complex data files. She has developed sampling frames using large databases containing workers' compensation records, health insurance transactions, views of internet videos, and various types of claims data. She is experienced in techniques for properly calculating estimates from probability samples including ratio estimation, replicate weights, and bootstrapping.


  • MS in statistics, measurement, assessment, and research technology, University of Pennsylvania
  • BA in sociology, summa cum laude with honors, Temple University