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Xiang (Jerry) Li is an energy market and finance expert with approximately 15 years of experience across the energy industry, spanning oil and gas, power, and renewables. He is an expert in energy market fundamentals (price, demand, and supply) and quantum damages and valuation analyses related to disputes, including international arbitrations. His quantum damages expertise includes financial proforma analyses for historical and future damages as well as valuation-related analyses (including energy asset and real option valuation) and project financing (i.e., off balance sheet) and credit risk analysis, among other financial modeling tools. He has deep experience in power and gas market analyses including energy market models (GPCM®, PLEXOS®, and Enelytix®), risk and probability analyses of energy prices including stochastic (Monte Carlo) analysis, due diligence, and other economic evaluation.


As an energy damages and valuation expert, Mr. Li has been engaged with numerous international arbitrations under the auspices of LCIA, ICC, ICDR, and UNCITRAL. As a business advisor, Mr. Li has also been engaged with investment advisory projects for global energy companies, national energy companies, utilities, independent project developers, equity investors, and banks. These projects have involved a broad range of energy assets, including renewable energy (wind and solar), merchant thermal power plants, transmission lines, hydrogen production facilities, liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities, crude oil, and natural gas liquids (NGL) as well as NGL fractionation plants, natural gas storage facilities, and oil and gas pipelines.

With decades of success delivering critical insight and financial expertise to a broad range of clients in the energy industry, Mr. Li brings deep energy market modeling capability, energy market insight, energy asset evaluation, seasoned financial damages and valuation analyses expertise, and market transactions expertise. 


  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • MBA in finance, George Washington University
  • BS in computer science, St. John's University