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Eugene Meehan specializes in advising electric and gas utility clients in the areas of strategic planning, regulatory strategy, and financial and economic analysis. Recent projects include:

  • Advice on development of an auction for the procurement of standard offer services;
  • Testimony concerning the valuation of a generating plant in the context of a competitive generation market; and
  • Development of an integrated regulatory strategy to achieve a transition to competition and mitigate strandable costs and review of capital investment policies in the context of a changing structure for the electric utility industry.

He has testified before state regulatory commissions, the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, federal district courts, and in arbitration proceedings.

Mr. Meehan has also advised utilities on:

  • Marginal and avoided cost quantification and application;
  • Competitive power supply procurement framework development;
  • Merger and acquisition strategy analyses;
  • Merger synergy analysis;
  • Power supply contract development and litigation;
  • Power pooling and interconnection issues; and
  • Development of projected market clearing prices.

Prior to NERA, Mr. Meehan was a Utility Consulting Partner with a Big Four consulting firm and a Vice President with Energy Management Associates. He has written numerous position papers on behalf of clients, which have been filed as part of regulatory proceedings.



  • Attended the Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University
  • BA in economics, Boston College