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Timothy McKenna is an economist with more than 20 years of experience specializing in securities and mass torts. His areas of securities expertise include valuation, assessments of materiality and damages in litigation, and forecasting. He has consulted on the valuation of fixed income, equity, foreign exchange, swaps, options, forwards, and futures for clients in civil litigation and bankruptcy proceedings. Mr. McKenna has also developed statistical models for forecasting class action litigation and bankruptcy filings for insurance industry clients. He has worked on disputes and investigations involving various aspects of cryptocurrencies and submitted an expert report on statistical models of the prices of certain cryptocurrencies. 


His work on white collar matters spans valuation, materiality of information, calculation of loss, and analyses of the potential use of inside information in trading patterns.

In mass tort matters, Mr. McKenna has researched forecasting methodologies for malignant and non-malignant asbestos-related diseases and actuarial-based forecasts for other diseases, and he is the author of expert reports on a variety of expected future tort liabilities.

Mr. McKenna has testified in an International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) arbitration hearing and authored expert reports and affidavits in a range of financial matters. He co-authored the “Credit Derivatives and Mortgage-Backed Securities” chapter in The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities (Frank J. Fabozzi, ed., 2016), and authored “The Use of CDSs When Pricing Debt Guarantees” in the textbook Applying the Arm’s Length Principle to Intra Group Financial Transactions: A Reference Guide.

Prior to joining NERA, Mr. McKenna spent two years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago as an associate economist.


  • MBA, Stern School of Business, New York University
  • MA in economics, University of Pennsylvania
  • BA in economics, University of Chicago