Nathan Blalock specializes in the economics of antitrust and intellectual property. His research focuses on the evaluation of liability and damages in antitrust lawsuits; the competitive effects of mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures; and global trends in the enforcement of intellectual property rights. He has analyzed economic issues across a wide range of industries, including agricultural products, oil and gas exploration, midstream oil products production and distribution, wholesale and retail gasoline, natural gas distribution, pharmaceuticals, death care services, retail clothing, air travel and travel services, mutual funds, microfinance loans, chemical production, pulp and paper products, and construction materials. Mr. Blalock has also examined models used in the estimation property escheatment to states.
In addition to legal and regulatory work, Mr. Blalock consults with clients on demand forecasting and the evaluation of procurement prices using econometric methods and economic theory. His analyses help guide strategic planning through the development and implementation of models that elucidate the underlying economic drivers of clients’ businesses.
Mr. Blalock was selected to serve as a Young Economist Representative to the Economics Committee of the Antitrust Law Section of the American Bar Association for the 2016–2017 term.