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Bharat Ramkrishnan has over eight years of consulting experience in the global electricity and natural gas sectors, with substantial experience modeling the costs and economic impacts of federal and regional energy and environmental regulations in the US. He advises electric and gas utilities, trade associations, and policymakers on energy and environmental issues and provides analysis of market conditions and price impacts. Mr. Ramkrishnan and his team also maintain and develop NERA’s electricity sector, macroeconomic models and global natural gas and petroleum models.


Mr. Ramkrishnan has modeled several US greenhouse gas reduction proposals and policies impacting the electricity sector, including California’s cap-and-trade program and Washington state’s cap-and-invest program. His analyses supported several model-based evaluations of alternative greenhouse gas emission policy designs such as carbon pricing, renewable portfolio standards, and clean energy standards. He has also conducted integrated assessments on health impacts from changes in air quality standards and prospective cohort-based health risk simulation analyses.

Mr. Ramkrishnan’s recent projects include an assessment of the potential for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from the US under different policy landscape and infrastructure pathway scenarios, an analysis of the economic impacts of alternative pathways to achieve California’s carbon neutrality goal, and an analysis of the impact of a winter storm on electricity prices in Texas. He has supported clients in evaluating the air quality benefits associated with the tightening of nitrogen oxide (NOx) exhaust emission standards for heavy-duty highway vehicles and analyzing electricity dispatch economics in certain key U.S. electricity markets with particular emphasis on coal and natural gas generator operations. Mr. Ramkrishnan also supports NERA experts on litigation casework and advisory projects related to quantitative financial and economic analyses across industries and markets.


  • MSc in energy science, technology, and policy, Carnegie Mellon University
  • MSc in chemical engineering, National University of Singapore
  • BEng in chemical engineering, R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore