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Lauren Stiroh specializes in the economics of antitrust, intellectual property, and commercial damages. She has conducted research, prepared expert reports, and testified in court on a variety of issues arising from antitrust allegations such as monopolization, exclusionary conduct, tying, vertical restrictions, price fixing, predatory pricing, price discrimination, and abuse of standard setting. Dr. Stiroh has analyzed the competitive effects of mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures. She has also written expert reports and consulted on matters related to assessing impact and damages in class action litigation. Dr. Stiroh has performed or critiqued damage calculations in more than a dozen industrial settings.


Dr. Stiroh has also written and testified on the subject of intellectual property value and valuation. She has assessed and critiqued damages from patent, copyright, and trademark infringement in industries including semiconductors, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer products. Much of Dr. Stiroh’s work and research focuses on the intersection of antitrust and intellectual property litigation. She has analyzed market power in technology markets and evaluated licensing arrangements, including tying and patent pooling. In addition, she is a co-editor and contributing author of “Economic Approaches to Intellectual Property Policy, Litigation, and Management,” published in 2005. In 2002, Dr. Stiroh took part in the US Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission joint hearings on “Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy.”

Dr. Stiroh has presented her research before the FTC, the DOJ, the Canadian Competition Bureau, and in expert testimony. She has testified in federal and state court in the US and in proceedings in Canada before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. In arbitration matters, Dr. Stiroh has appeared before the Judicial Arbiter Group and the American Arbitration Association. Dr. Stiroh was also named as a leading economic expert witness in the Global Arbitration Review’s “The International Who’s Who of Commercial Arbitration 2012,” a guide to the world’s leading commercial arbitration experts.


  • PhD in economics, Harvard University
  • MA in economics, University of British Columbia
  • BA in economics, University of Western Ontario