Ramsey Shehadeh’s research includes the economics of firm and industry performance, pricing, business investment, and innovation. His economic research focuses on economic policy and the competitive effects of mergers and acquisitions raised in the context of government and regulatory investigations and business strategy. He also specializes in the application of statistical modeling and econometrics to these areas.
At NERA, Dr. Shehadeh has conducted research and prepared expert reports on the competitive effects of mergers, joint ventures, and other business combinations in a variety of industries. Dr. Shehadeh has presented his research numerous times before enforcement agencies including the US Federal Trade Commission, US Department of Justice, US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, state attorneys general, members of Congress, European Commission, and the Canadian Competition Bureau. He also has testified in state and federal courts, before arbitration panels, and in international proceedings.
Dr. Shehadeh has conducted research in industrial organization and econometrics and published his research in peer-reviewed journals. He has spoken and lectured frequently on antitrust economics with a focus on the evaluation of the competitive effects of mergers and acquisitions, and on the application of economics in complex commercial litigation. Dr. Shehadeh specialized in industrial organization, regulation and econometrics during his degrees at Cornell University.