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Kristin Terris specializes in antitrust litigations and mergers. Her projects involve the study of relevant markets, market power, mergers and acquisitions, predatory pricing, tying and bundling, exclusive dealing and essential facilities, as well as antitrust and commercial damages. She provides expert testimony in litigations and through presentations to regulatory agencies. Her areas of specialty include applied microeconomics and econometric methods, specifically applying statistical methods and econometrics to litigation matters and working with large complex datasets.  She has substantial work experience in healthcare and has also worked on matters in industries such as airline and aerospace, pharmaceutical, medical devices, construction, telecommunications, technology, energy, and defense.


Before joining NERA, Dr. Terris was a faculty member at Wellesley College, where she taught undergraduate level courses in microeconomic theory and econometrics. While completing her PhD in economics at Georgetown University, she also taught graduate and undergraduate level courses in mathematics, economic theory, and labor. Prior to graduate school, Dr. Terris worked as a Program Manager at US West Wireless on a project to design and build their wireless network. Before that, she worked for more than a decade at Bechtel, where she contributed to project management and consulting engagements for clients worldwide, including projects in power generation, petroleum processing, environmental cleanup, telecommunications, nuclear weapons demilitarization, and security.


  • PhD and MA in economics, Georgetown University
  • BS in electrical engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • BS in finance, University of Colorado, Boulder